Hey there! Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve been super busy, and I kind of forgot some things after being sent to Guangzhou last week. Speaking of Guangzhou, sorry the goat milk candy was gross!
Our most recent consonant blend was ‘fl’. You learned lots of ‘fl’ words in the story Flora Flamingo Learns To Fly. You have all done so well with the consonant blends this year, and ‘fl’ is no exception. I think the most fun part of our lesson was talking about where we would fly if we could fly somewhere new. Some people said Antarctica and someone said another galaxy. Which one of you said a black hole? Let me know how that goes! I would fly to Palmyra Atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Next, we discussed what we would see if we flew over Hong Kong. Many of you have flown over Hong Kong many times, but you have never looked down. We watched a video recorded from a plane. We identified parts of town, buildings, and things from nature. Before the end of class, we watched a video about flamingos and played a comprehension game!
See you next week! Mr. Marler
21st November 2024
Hello! Today, we started Unit 1 of the second term. We are continuing with consonant blends. This unit, we are focusing on the ‘cl’ consonant blend. After going over the sound of the blend, we looked at a slide of pictures on the board, and in groups, students wrote down all of the ‘cl’ words they could find. One group found all seven! Most found six. We ended the activity by going over the pictures together and writing down what they are.
Since clouds is a ‘cl’ word, we looked at some clouds and tried to find all of the pictures that we could, especially words that start with ‘cl’. Then, we studied a bit about clouds. We learned about the different types of clouds, what they mean, and what they look like. Where I come from, if you see cumulonimbus clouds in spring or summer, you know the weather is going to get back and the storm will be severe! We ended the class by going outside and looking at the clouds. You told me that by the way they look, and because it was raining, that they were nimbostratus clouds. Nice job!
Homework: p. 3-5
Mr. Marler
7th October 2024
Hi again! Welcome back to another short week! However, this unit is pretty simple and we got through it all just fine.
We started learning about the consonant blend ‘gr’ today. Not ‘gruh’ but ‘gr’, just like a dog barking – as you demonstrated in class haha! We began the class by introducing the blend and making the sound. Then we read the ORT A Groundhog Named Grady. There were lots of gr words in there, and you pointed them out during the story. You even learned some new words.
Next, we looked at some tongue twisters that include lots of gr words. A tongue twister is a sentence that has many words that include the same beginning sound, such as all the gr words in our tongue twisters. Part of your homework is to write your own tongue twister, but don’t copy one from the page. Be sure to use at least three gr words. To make sure we know plenty of gr words, we looked at some pictures and wrote down all the gr words we could find. You can pick three words from this page if you’d like!
Finally, we read a little bit about Groundhog Day. In the US (and Canada), Groundhog Day is the day when a groundhog comes out of his burrow. If he sees his shadow, he will go back inside and there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t, spring will begin. Spoiler… He always sees his shadow. But it’s fun anyway.
Homework: p. 10-13
See you next week! Mr. Marler
3rd October 2024
Hello! I read your writings about your favorite food mixtures today… AWESOME! Great job! This morning, we read the ORT book Red Planet. We started the lesson by discussing which of the planets are red and which planet could Red Planet possible be about. Many of you said Mars. I agree. I think it’s about Mars because Mars is called The Red Planet. We watched a video about Mars and what it would be like if we sent humans there. It would take seven months to get there and we would have to wait two years before Earth and Mars are close enough again to return home. Then, we discussed if you think humans will actually go to Mars or not and why. Well done!
Next, we explored the text, and I gave you a sticker on the page you read. I also asked you to change up your voice when you read dialogue. Dialogue is the part of the story where the characters speak.
After we read, we worked in groups to complete one of the pages in the GT English book. You worked together to unscramble the sentences from the story, and then wrote them in your book. Please remember that it’s important to stay focused and work together for activities like this. I’ll add a few photos below.
Today was a pretty fun lesson. Hopefully we can do some group work again next week. Homework: p. 19-20
See you next Monday! Mr. Marler
26th September 2024
Hello everyone! We split our lessons into two today. However, we still started the class off with the exercise and freeze game. Lesson1: Since we learned about contractions on Monday, we played a group game to practice what we know and become even more familiar with contractions. On WordWall, I made a game show about how to use contractions and two words that need to be changed to contractions. In your groups, you chose the correct answer and wrote the letter on the whiteboard, then held it up. If you were correct, I gave you a card. The number on the card was random, so you had a chance to get a card with 0-9 on it. I love this because the value of the card is random, and your reactions make me laugh. I felt you all had a good time with this game and learned a lot.
Lesson 2: During lesson two, you were prepared for your writing assignment: writing about your favorite food mixture. We started out by reading about Veronica’s favorite food mixture: soup. You identified her favorite mixture: soup; what’s in it: chicken, onions, carrots, potatoes, and salt; what she does to her mixture: cooks it in a pot; that she eats it; and how it is: It’s delicious. Remember to use that contraction It’s. BUT… you argued that you drink soup, not eat soup. Here’s a good video my friend made about eating soup:
Next, we brainstormed some food mixtures: ice cream, milk shakes, lasagna, fried chicken, etc., and looked at a few videos of different food mixtures we can eat and drink. To prepare for the writing, I did an example of my favorite food mixture: burritos. Afterwards, I asked you to fill in the first line of the plan by writing your favorite mixture, followed by what’s in it, what you do to it, if you eat it or drink it, and how it is. Be sure to USE CONTRACTIONS!
Before the end of class, we wrote the first sentence: My favorite food mixture is _______. It’s __________.
I can’t wait to read these next week! Homework: p. 27
See you next week, Mr. Marler
23rd September 2024
Hi hi! Today, we started working on the Unit 2 writing assignment. Before we started the lesson, we got out all of our mid-lesson jitters by singing doing the dance-sing game Some of you really have some pretty good dance moves! For this writing, you will be focusing on using contractions. A contraction is when two words are put together to make a shorter word. To make a contraction we need to combine two words and then take away one or two letters and add an apostrophe (’). I’ll add a list of common contractions below:
After we learned what a contraction is, we played a contraction math game, where I showed you two words and you had to make them into contractions. You got all of them correct! To become familiar with even more contractions and the two words they come from, we watched and sang a contraction song:
We finished up the lesson by dividing into teams and playing a board race game. I gave you two words and you wrote the contractions. We all had fun with that, and congratulations to the winners!
Homework: p. 26
See you on Thursday, Mr. Marler
19th September 2024
Hello! I hope you had a good Mid-autumn Festival! Today we continued on learning about the blend ‘pr’. We learned some new ‘pr’ words and discussed what we know about them. This was a great discussion and a good way for us to learn. Then, you read aloud a poem with words with the ‘pr’ blend. Afterwards, I called on some students to come to the board and underline them.
On Monday, we read Princess and the Pretzel. Today, we read about pretzels themselves. They can be hard or soft and salty or sweet. Have you had a soft pretzel? Personally, I love soft, salty pretzels the best. People often dip them in cheese sauce or mustard. After we read, I showed you a video of how to make soft pretzels. Some of you were interested in making them at home, so I told you I would post it here. You can easily find soft pretzel recipes on Google. If you make them, feel free to bring me one.
Your homework for today is to complete p. 8-9.
See you on Monday, Mr. Marler
16th September 2024
Hi everyone! Today, we began Unit 2 – the ‘pr’ blend. You told me that blends are two sounds put together to make one sound. Very good! Since today was a single, we read the story The Princess and the Pretzel. We took turns reading aloud and if you read well and confidently, I gave you a sticker! When we came across a ‘pr’ word, I asked you what the ‘pr’ words were, and you were able to tell me! Well done! To finish up the lesson, we went over how to do the homework, and then I gave you guys some pretzels to eat.
Homework: p. 6-7
See you on Thursday. Mr. Marler
12th September 2024
Hello! I thought today was a pretty fun class! First, we reviewed different animals and their actions by singing along to Animals in Action again. It’s really funny to watch you all do the actions while you sing! Next, we discussed the animal groups again, and I asked you to expand on the types of animals in that group. To introduce new animals, we completed a color code worksheet, where you used different colors to color animals from different groups. This allowed us to discuss new animals and talk about which groups they are from.
After we finished coloring, we started planning our writing. Last class, you circled your favorite animal group. Today, I asked you to write it on your plan. Next, we made lists of where animal groups live and things they do. You are all very smart when it comes to animals! Then, you filled in the rest of your plan.
Before the end of the class, we began the paragraph. We started off the paragraph by writing: My favorite animal group is _______. I walked around the classroom while you wrote a few more sentences, and they all looked pretty good! I can’t wait to read them.
Homework: p.24-25
See you on Monday. Mr. Marler
9th September 2024
Welcome back! It’s good to you see you all, and I hope you got some rest on the typhoon day! Today, we continued with Unit 2 from the GT English book, where we started studying animal groups. We also started the class by singing and going the motions to a song. I’ll put it below:
Although animals like gorillas, tigers, frogs, and snakes are animals, they are very different. They belong to their own animal groups. We took a look at and discussed the different animal groups. You have already learned about them in your summer holiday homework. It talks about them being warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Warm-blooded: they can make their own body heat even when it is cold outside. Cold-blooded: they can’t make their own body heat and must be heated by something else. Click the photos to make them bigger.
Which animal group is your favorite? Think about it! You will do a short writing about it on Thursday!
See you all on Thursday! Mr. Marler
5th September 2024
Hello 2E! It was great to see you all today, and to be able to have a double lesson. We finished up learning about the blend ‘tr’. At the beginning, we reviewed what a blend is. You told me that it’s two sounds that are put together to make one sound! Well done! That’s exactly what a blend is. We learned lots of ‘tr’ words on Monday in our story. How many could you remember? We brainstormed all of the ‘tr’ words we could think of and made a BIG list of them on the board. Then, you chose your favorite 10 ‘tr’ words and wrote them down on p.2 of your GT English book.
Next, we played ‘spot the word’. You can tell me all the ‘tr’ words you know, but can you hear them when they are read? First, I had one student read aloud the text on p.3. Then, I re-read the story aloud, and asked you to circle all the ‘tr’ words that you hear. I also asked you to make the ‘tr’ sound whenever I read a ‘tr’ word. Great job! I shared a story about what I did to my neighbor on Halloween whenever I was a kid. Naughty Mr. Marler! Your homework for this section is to design a Halloween costume in the circle on p.3. Remember to color it!
On Monday, we read The Troll Takes a Trip. We talked about what happened in the story to review, then, in groups, you worked together to try and find as many ‘tr’ words in the pictures on p.4. Remember, you should work with everyone in your group during group work. Here are a few photos:
Finally, we talked about traditions. I hear something that sounds familiar! You told me tradition is a ‘tr’ word. We talked about traditions you have with your families in Hong Kong. You told me that on Chinese New Year, you get red packets, eat dinner with family, and wear traditional Chinese clothes. Then, you told me during Mid-autumn Festival, you eat moon cakes, look at the moon, spend time with your family, and light lanterns. That’s coming up soon, by the way! We finished off the conversation by you asking me about the traditions I have. I shared that my favorite tradition is celebrating American Independence Day, as I love shooting fireworks, eating BBQ, and spending time outside. We also eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day, and I even used to hunt turkeys to eat. Then, you read a short text aloud about traditions – a few we have already talked about. There are three comprehension questions to answer, and we did one together in class. You’ll need to finish two at home.
Great job today! It was a long class, but we had a lot of fun and even got to take a few minutes for a brain rest to play Teacher Says. Your homework is to finish the parts of your GT English book we did not finish in class on p. 2-5. See you all next week! Mr. Marler
2nd September 2024
Hello everyone! It was great meeting you all today! I hope we have lots of fun this school year.
To begin the class, I introduced myself, my interests, and some rules I have in class. I will remind you:
Bring your GT English book every class! We will keep them in class when we aren’t using them so you don’t lose them.
Always return your GT English book the day after homework is assigned. I am working in Mong Kok campus only on Mondays and Tuesdays, so I need to mark your books.
Have fun in class and try your hardest!
Today, we began learning about phonics blends. A blend is when two individual sounds come together to make one sound. This unit’s blend is ‘tr’. You all did a fantastic job making the ‘tr’ sound. Just remember that it’s only the ‘tr’ sound, and not ‘truh’. After, we read The Trolls Take a Trip. What do you notice about the title? That’s right, trolls and trip both have the ‘tr’ sound. There were lots and lots of ‘tr’ words in the book! You all did a great job reading aloud and talking about the story! On Thursday, we will continue learning about the ‘tr’ sound and will starting working in our GT English books, so you can try to learn some new ‘tr’ words until then.